Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Monthly Topics

It's June and it means its another montly topic, and even though the group likes having the QA Talks every month I find it hard to keep people coming up with something they want to talk about, or even do a presentation.  So most months it falls to me to make something, last month I did Regular Expressions since there is more Perl being used, and a few others on the team are learning how to write scripts for the automation framework.  So either I am better than I think, I doubt it, or no one wants to do the work.

I usually need to be inspired to write a topic, its not easy to just up and present for 20 minutes, and I try to maintain interest to keep people's attention so its tough to make good technical topics that are enjoyable.  Not sure yet what this month will be about, but having read some more lectures by Yifa, a Buddhist nun associated with my wife's temple, I may have something on how to break down tests.  Funny how we find inspiration in unusual places.

I'll probably come back and add but topics I have done or have thought about include:
  • Test Heuristics - DONE!
  • Agile & Scrum - done but always needs more
  • Basic Debugging - DONE!
  • Driver Debugging - DONE!
  • What is Quality? - DONE!
  • Regular Expressions - DONE!
  • Find your Buddha (seeking Test Nirvana)  - DONE!
  • Test Frameworks
  • Database Test Techniques
  • Ruby
  • QTP Testing - DONE!
  • Accessing Data Query Methods in Web Services API - DONE!
  • Blink - Thinking Without Thinking (Overview of the Book by Malcolm Gladwell) - DONE!
  • DNS and product usage - DONE!
  • Product Installer - DONE!
  • Virtualization - DONE!
That's all for now, I may update the list later on.

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