Friday, February 25, 2022

Rubber Duck Debugging


Talk through the problem

Have you ever been stuck on something?

As you are talking about it or telling someone about it, suddenly the solution arrives or you get that eureka moment where you stop and realize you have the answer.  Even when writing out the issue you are working on to someone, then the answer comes as you are writing it out.  This happens to me a lot.  Sometimes just looking for something at work, or I am writing an email and send it, then I realize I needed to try some step. BOOM! The solution presents itself.

Talking it out

I used to just call it talking things out and leave it at that, then I find out that there is a name for this.

Rubber Duck Debugging!

I've never spent my time talking to inanimate objects, maybe myself but while I may be an object I am not inanimate, so while talking to myself or others I do get in this situation. At times its kind of embarrassing to send an email or message, then immediately follow it up with a never mind.

That sort of makes me feel like the old SNL character Roseanne Roseannadanna.

Never get stuck alone thinking

To me the whole point of it is to not get stuck on a problem and just sit there thinking and thinking and thinking on it.  Getting stuck on something small that distracts me from moving onto the solution.

Talk it out, step away, or speak to a duck if you have one. You never know, the answer may just suddenly appear.