This comes off of Pete Whalen's wonderful post on Testing and Wars of Religion.
Oftentimes we cling to our faiths in processes and procedures, too much in some cases. It's hard to let go of something that you have worked hard to understand and struggled with for something new. Change is hard. Very hard. But that is the point. At some point beliefs and processes no longer work the same way and a new way to look at things is required. Why? Because just as work and processes change, new tools, languages and methods of achieving goals come and enter the environments we work in so to do these new things often challenge beliefs and require adjustment in how we look at things, or a new vision of the world.
Change is hard, but if it was easy then in many cases it would not be worth it. I always look at them as educational opportunities, though even I challenge some of the changes that come up, its normal and once I get over my initial reluctance I can take a wide-view of things and move on.
Short, sweet and to the point. Happy Monday!