Monday, March 1, 2010

Cost of Bug Fixing

I got an IM from a developer I used to work with and he had that good old familiar question "do you have a copy of that graph that shows the cost of fixing a bug?"

Well I didn't at the time, mostly I dealt with this with the book I keep on Quality Assurance, it has the graph and a little blub about it. Since he needed one online, and pretty much everything is on the internet I did a check and lo and behold, I found a developer centric version.
Rate of Diminishing Returns Of Fixing Software Bugs
He needed an online version because he had a VP who wouldn't drink the water on catching defects early, I guess there are still plenty of them out there. Either way, I found the link and he went away happy, another QA-centric developer satisfied.

It feels good to help on a Monday.